ukhwah syabab

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

syabab n thinks the worse case

salam syabeebs..
thinks the worse case so u can survive the obstacle..
nk jd penyanyi?
kalo kene kritik kaw2 pedas cmne? word does hurt u knoe..
nk jadi model?
kene compare ngn model2 lain n people might called u tyra banks ngn naomi Campbell.. n u might turn out to be ask to do half naked photoshoot..
nk jadi popular?
get redy when all yor personal life disebarkan cm cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan..
nk tukar kerja?
gaji?suasana kerja yg len?n boss yg menyakitkan hati?
my beloved syabeebs,
anythin u wanna do with yor life..
always thinks the worse case..
mksudnya berfikir panjang n bygkan benda paling kritikal n buruk kalo mek keputusan uh..
bukan apa..bila kita fikir benda paling buruk akan berlaku hasil dr keputusan yg kita amek..
if kita still nk teruskan mksdnya kita sedia tuk berdepan dengn masalah uh andai kata akan berlaku..
n kita xteruskan mksdnya kita tahu keputusan uh bukanlah keputusan yg wajar tuk diamek..
so have u ever think the worse scenario when making any decision?

p/s: put yor dreams beyond the sky if it falls it will fall among the sky.. betul ka ayat ni?err cm salah je..hik3


sYukCurz said...

the worst scenario might turn out as the best opportunities in your life. so think twice. take the risk and you will go beyond that you would not expected!

zonaku said...

think the worst, take the risk, prepare for everything, Allah will always be with you.....

Insyaallah..... kalau x dipecahkan ruyung, manakan dapat sagunya...

*SiRibenMerah said...

practice how to be relevant in life.. :)

Anonymous said...

kalau tak ambik risiko kita takkan ke mana mana. tapi fikir risiko yang paling buruk akan buat kita prepares kepada apa saja kemungkinan yg bakal berlaku.

syabab said...

syukcruz: ur rite syab ab hve try it before...

zonaku: wahh lame dah xigt pepatah uh...hehe

siriben merah> yup practice n apply

hanie: there u go... u truly get my point..hehe

Unknown said...

penat aq bce seketul-ketulayt fhm!

yg penting usaha tangga kejayaan!

psst,lagu yg ko tnye tu yg ko dgr thru blog kan?

itu lagu BCL...ko gugellah hahaha..

Jue said...

kata2 yg kasar mmg bole kasi scars forever kat kita beb. ade stgh org take it positively utk pbaiki diri. ada ye take it wrongly
scary gak

aku tau pe rs jd popular. antara best dan x best. nsb x jd artis! **tetibe!**haha

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