ukhwah syabab

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday quote #2

When u try harder..
but u don't excel..
when u get what u wish..
but not what u need...
when ur exhausted..
but u can't take a nap...
 stuck in the opposite way..
and the tears come..
streaming your face..
when u lose something...
but u can't replace...
when u love someone...
it goes nothing but a feeling..
could it be more horrible?
taufik n hidayah would guide you...
n ignite your iman...
n hopefully Allah will help us to fix ourself...

credit to:glee season 3
p/s: to love something u must sacrificed something... then u might get the want u want or maybe is not what u need?


vendoline said...

bertuahnye dpt hidayah..bukan semua dpt.uhuh

Unknown said...

hmm similar dengan lagu fix u, coldplay :)

syabab said...

zuan>yup adaptasi dr lagu coldplay...hehehe

Hanie Dew said...

sebab tu orang kata lebih baik kita tak dapat apa yang kita mahukan. kita akan dapat yang kita perlukan. jadi harus bersyukur apa jua yang kita ada skrg ni.

macam2 iklan