silent doesn't meant no voice..
no voice doesn't meant no action...
no action doesn't meant know nothing..
silent... voice.. action..
3 different words..
but really close to wat has happened around us..
have we ever realize it?
p/s: senyum xperlu kata apa apa.. (^_^)
diam tak semstiny salah..diam tak smstiny kalah..diam tu lbh baik dr bersuara tapi myakiti hati org lain..
snyum..tak prlu kata apa2 :)
diam itu lebih baik darpada mengatakan sesuatu yg bole magundang fitnah. kan.
actions speaks louder than words but as much actions could hurt that person. nothing could compare to words..its burn inside and remains forever..just like scars =)
lupe jwb beb psl komen ko tu; bole dikatakan truk juga rs sakitnya bila ade waktunya..ade ms rs normal kkdg rs cam super saiya **cara aku mgambarkan spy ko dpt gambaran =)
diam-diam ubi berisi..
senyap2 beraksi
silent doesn't meant no voice..<---karakter sayalah ni...
bnyk maksud ketika diam ni
kdg2 diam lagi elok dari bising..
tin kosong an bising.. :)
p/s: nk test specimen ape tuh??try bgi contoh..gua tak brape nak faham..
berdiam lebih baik daripada bertindak.......kan? hehe
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