masuk jew awal tahun ni byk jer benda buruk yg sybb dgr kt malaysia nie..
dr kes sal mahasiswa..
sampailah kes baru2 ni sal amalina che bakri..
syabab kt sini bukan nk olah kes2 ni tp jz wondering about people in the cyber world..
some of them give a negative comment without even thinking how the suspect would felt..
word does hurt...
although it only comes trough cyber world..
but the pain sometimes can be more than u critic face to face..sometimes without knowing the truth..
people make their own assumption..
regardless for wat happen in the cyber world...
n they r happy become the "cyber bullies"
perhaps they feel secure bcos they hide themselves by the username..
benda ni paling ketara kt youtube..
ade kes yg sbb di kritik dengn begitu pedass sekali one of the youtuber do suicide...
wats wrong for making themselves happy?
one of the video yg syabab tgk which known as "nicole 337"...
this girls ade autism..yup which make her susah nk berhdpn dgn org..
so she step up n become youtuber n upload video2 die nyanyi n do vlogging..
yeah she might be not good in singing n others but wat she did was something brave..
she shows to the world the important to step up n face the haters...
ini video die yg sybb ase cm why dont i share it to the world..
she might be one of org yg selalu jd mangsa cyber..
jom spend about 4minit dgr luahan die tentg "word does hurt"..
p/s: syabab describe H.A.T.E.R.S = Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success
yes yes!
memang dalam laman sosial laaaagi lah perkataan tu menyakitkan,
pasal tak der intonasi..
so kita tak tahu,
perli ker lawak ni..
n memang la manusia lebih prefer anggap perli.. daaa terasa ati.
lagi satu 'anon'
terkesan sampai blogger tukar blog lah kiranya.. adohh..
yup2.kadang2 rasa rimas dgn orang yg pandai judge nih.klo mendoakan org yg salah tu supaya perbaiki diri xpe juga.klo stakat kutuk2 lebih baiklah diam sebenarnye.hu3
-thanx 4 those meant alot 2 me. :)
nice broo.. fatin liyana pna jugak uat post pasal haters neh...biase lah tu..dah name manusia .. xbuleh tngk org laen sng.. tp xpe la..atleast take it as buleh kite perbetolkan ape yg org xsuke..kannnnn
pocket>sgt2 setuju yg sal "anon uh penh tgk kt blog2 yg blog sybb ni lon jumpa g..hihih
aleen aideen>yup2 better diam..kalo perkataan yg dilemparkan wat org sakit hati kan free2 jew dpt dosa...huhu
ubadllah>yup2... thx bro..errr fatin liyana uh spe e??
autism..word does hurt.. people only make judgement on a few chapters, they don't know the whole story.
fatin qurrratuaini> not bcos of they don't knoe but it bcos of they don't wanna knoe...the y prefer to make assumption...huhu hate those haters..huuh
don't gv a fuck what people think, as long as u're happy and not hurting others, that should be just fine
abam speaking2 lak hahahaha, btw F.A.K.E.R tu memang ada kaitan ngan siri Amer+Ashraf, cuma Amer+Ashraf tu cite yg hepi2, tapi F.A.K.E.R lebih dark
mcm dalam lagu "alhamdulillah" lidah setajam pisau. kesannya bole bawa ke mati.
untuk kata tanpa intonasi mc dlm dunia maya ni kne la mention kalau kita bergurau. sbb tak semua org faham ekspresi kata kata kita tu.
Eh aku miss entry ni. Aku panggil org yg suke taip sebarang neh as keyboard warrior yg cuma brani dr blkg tp kat dpn penakut atau seseorang yg pnah dtindas dulu pastu revenge kat org lain sbb nak kasi hati puas
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