salam syabeebs..
rasenyer xsalah kalo syabab nk imbau 2011...
2011 was one of moment yg best kt blog citera seorang syabab...
dulu dikenali dgn hikayat seorang syabab... link pon dh tukar smpai blogger2 sblum2 ni xleh nk komen da..huhu
walopun blog budk2... but syabab ucap trimas pada suma yg rajin singgah blog ni n rajin komen..
im feel like i exist in the blogging world...
2011 byk yg berlaku in my life..
my dad olmost die due to pneumonia(tanya mr google e) sampaikan doktor said suh kami redha jer apa yg akan berlaku but alhamdulillah he is very good fighter n sknk dia dh sembuh...
not only that,my life turn up side down due to mcm2 probs as student...huhu
but bcos of im person yg jenis cm silent n pendiam..
no one will never notice about my problem..
but 2011 make my family become more stronger...
my probs make me realise how to handle it without hold it too tight..
n 2011 shows me that friends are not always besides us but they are some of them who care about us in different worlds..yeah im tlking about all of u... the syabeebs a.k.a friends of "citera seorg syabab"..
thx for making my life much2 better... perrgh supe mcm tulis wasiat daa.. okeyh2 xmo emo2..
hahah... so hari ni dh mula 01/01/2012.. my azam?xde la kut... syabab jz nk mengharungi tahun 2012 ni ngn segala jenis ombak n be happy..
p/s: again syabab ucap terimakasih sesngt pd sume yg sudi drop by here.. yeah im still kiddo.. official sweet twenty...hohohoho
selamat tahun baru ya..:D
2011 kini menjadi sebuah kenangan kn..^^
real friends wont left you,wont talks behind you and be wit you through your problems...
sentiselah berazam utk jd lebaih baik setiap hari.. bukan setiap tahun baru.. :)
aisyah> hepi new year to u too
fatin> yup2 friends inneend is a frens indeed
hedi>thx bro syabab akn take note benda uh..hehe
masa lalu untuk kita jadikan ikhtibar masa depan.. keep strong bro. jauh lagi perjalanan hidup ini..
betul..masa lalu pengajaran dan mematang kan diri kita...tempuhi dengan senyuman..=]
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