salam syabeebs..
its been a while syabab did not post any entry at CSS blog...
not bcos of im lazy.. but its been a rough week for me...
full of commitment towards study n family's event..
last week my cousin got married..
friday nikah... saturday resepsi belah perempuan n dinner resepsi belah laki ari ahad...
n i attend events for saturday n sunday...
several things that syabb would like to mention here...
1. times goes fast... without realising it masing2 dh besa n today one of my cousin got married n make me feel so unbelievable.. while watching the bride syabab was imagine am i ready for this? to be watched by crowd about how sweet your couple during "persandingan'.. take a step by step with the one u love to enter the hall while kompang di palu..wahh... i was unspeakable...
2. two days become "vip" cos as the representative of the bride... syabab must behave.. im country boy who not so good in adab2 makan beralas kan kain in the hall which full of protocol -.-" .. makan pon kene one scoup at a time... daa~ feel like prince for once..hohoho n xbpe nk kenyang lah...hehe
3. see one by one someone that we knoe get married make syabab wonder when the time will comes for me to get married?or will i get one?ehmm...
4. the moment when the bride n the bridal enter the hall with alunan selawat yg penuh syahdu make me feel so emotional..err im not crying but i feel anxious like am the one get married..hehe..
5. lastly don't forget to ask anyone around if u could not find the majlis or else u will turn out go to different wedding bcos is held in the same place but different hall -.-"... hehe
hopefully to my cousin u will be the better husband for dunia wa akhirat...
p/s: do u knoe for wedding package including mak andam n decoration of the hall we need to spend more than rm8000? -.-"
ala mana fotonya?
pergh kawin zaman sekarang kan.
20 k mudah je abih.
phoket...err syabab lupelak nk mek sbb sume pakai kamera canggih2..hehe a'ah mudah sgt habis las2 after married menderita nk sara keluarga..huhu
hmm syabab memang style tak letak photo right.. bila fikir pasal wedding, i think i'm not ready.. but to prevent me from doin sins, i need to get married asap..haha
suka wedding yang simple :D
best tgk keluarga bahagia.. saling menjaga antara satu sama lain..
may they both live happily ever after. if you'll be getting married soone or later, let us (bloggers) know! pssttt
zuan> hehe xde style mne lah... so jom cepat2 kawin..hik3..syabab pon masih mencari g ni..huhu
asrul> yup lebih better kalo grand sgt byk sgt protokol siyesly xsyok..huhu
wawa> a'ah sgt2 best..hihihi
rtp farra> err t syabb considered...haha
RM8000++ . kalau serba lengkap ok la. datang bawak badan je. senang kerja.
belanja kawen makin lama makin mahal syabab. kawen cepat! hahaha
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