ukhwah syabab

Monday, December 19, 2011

syabab n dunia persahabatan

salam syabeebs..
syabab thought today hari selase well semlm keje..huhu so today walopun  syabab berjaya lari dr kemelut kerja yg sesak xterkate..i guess people really love eating.. kekdng ase cm dont want any customer to come but if no customer then who wanna pay my salary let it be..
so hari tue syabab usha blog saiazuan... one of blogger yg support my blog..thx a lot bro..  so entri die yg bertajuk sal sahabat really make a things to ponder about..
syabab use to write entri about frenship..
i guess one of the reason i create my blog is bcos of the friendship.. kalo syabeebs lom bce be my guest to click here...
1)sahabat ramadhan
2)sahabat: realiti vs fantasi
assuminglah syabab cm wat entri response cm ala2 video response dlm youtube uh..hehe..
so syabab selalu igtkan diri tentg salah satu hadis rasullah iaitu
"tidak sempurna iman seseorg jika tidak mencintai saudara seperti mana die mencintai dirinya sendri"
syabab bercerita ni pon bcos i never find the true sahabat yet.. they will come eventually...
sometimes dlm mencari persahabatn kita selalu memkir spe yg layak tuk kita n tanpa kita sedari friendship is not about who is very kind to u n very grateful to you but is about how we act as frens.. yes is hard to find the right true frens but it will never late to find one as long as we knoe how we act like one.. so start act like one... let the glance decided how good we r as their frens bcos in the end of day we could never satisfied everyone but anyone who can accept the way ur they r someone that u might lookin for..its like sometimes we looks far far away to find the right person but without realising it it already depann mata cume kita je xpasan mungkinkah sbb memilih?ehmm npe la its sound like cr soulmates ni.. but syabab guess dat finding a true frens its like finding your true soulmates..hehe...
sometimes kita akan rase tired sgt yg kita dh give like 100percent effort to be the a frens inneed but its like others r using us for their own purposes.. but frenship is about somethng u fight for it for the right reason so although u might find some yg always use u but think positive if wat u do really help them let it be bcos in the end of the day u wanna sees the happiness trough yor frens face..dats why syabab ckp dlm entri2 cm kt ats nk cr persahabtn uh sgt2 susah perlukan pengorbanan.. especially to learn how not to ungkit segala benda yg kita dh tolong bila time kita sgt2 perlukan pertolongn...itu yg syabab sedang belaja.. eneway we r human n we make mistake so lets face the future that we can change for the right selmt ptg syabeebs.. n salam persahabtan...

p/s: rase jeles lak ngn jue n hanie they r like sisters or dorg memg sisters ato bff since kindergarten g?hehe...


Unknown said...

emm si jue n hanie itu dulu satu U,classmate!

bedanye si jues solo,hanie dah duet!

syabab said...

uchi>ooo...uchie kira satu course gk la ngn dorg e?

teha said...

okey , slm persahabatan :)

Anonymous said...

hai hai syabab. lame aku cuti kan.hehehehe..bagi aku dan jue sahabat >> u can count on me like 123, i'll be there. coz i know when i need u i count in u like 432, and u'll be there.

whenever and wherever. =)

and the true friend know urself better than u r. seriously.

aku ngan jue jumpe kat U.

Fatin Wawa said...

the basic is saling menghargai..
kwn tu sng nk cari, tp sahabat tu mmg ssh dicari. sahabat is someone yg selalu beside us, xkira ssh, sng, ada msa or not, jauh atau dkt and same goes kita pun patut camtu jgk.bkn shj kwn time sng. tp kalau tgk kwn skrg, dulu time sesama kamcheng x igt, tp da berthn x jumpa it just.. yeah.. go like that. and i'm always trying to be the good one to my frenz too, walaupun hati tu kekedang mmg ssh nk ikhlas yg cm ko ckp not to ungkit segala bnd yg kita da tlg...hehe.. so, jom ikhlas kn hati..... and we should realize setiap org tu special sbb setiap org tu x sama. ;)

Unknown said...

ukhwah sampai syurga ..:)

Asrul "iLham" Sany said...

bff gua sayang gua je bley muahahhaa

Jue said...

wah zuan bc ni mesti tharu weh. Dia tgh bz ngan e-commerce website dia.. hr tu dia dok cite dia pening kat fb sbb dateline dkat..mmg betul sahabat yg baik ssh dicari..kdg2 benda tu tjadi sndri..tiba2 ada. mcm aku ngan Hanie. tup2 bff sdgkan dulu seyes x rapat kawan sbb prangai kontra giler!haha

Asrul "iLham" Sany said...

gua pakai kostum masa berlakon teater n Halloween je, yang Halloween lepas gua jadi V dari V for Vendetta awesomeness :D

vendoline said...

saizuan mmg salu support blogger lain..tak sombong.hehehe walaupon kami dekat je jarak tempat tak penah jumpe.huhu
hurmm sahabat ramadhan..sedap istilah tu

Anonymous said...

tu la syabab rokok tu mmg maca dorg ada letak dadah. letak picture ape sekalipun tak jalan. ada orang dah arwah sebb merokok pun dorg tak takut.

Anonymous said...

err tu la pasal. terkonfius kejap. tp apa pun merokok mmg tak baik utk kesihatan. lebih buruk kesan jangka panjang pada perokok sekunder << yang ter-sedut asap rokok.

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