ukhwah syabab

Sunday, December 18, 2011

syabab and the tiredness

salam syabeebs...
while everyone was enjoy their weekend..syabab woke up 8a.m  to get redy to do my prt time as usual..
since syabab only get a 3-2hours to sleep so my laziness keep draging me to never go to work but sadly syabab has too...
so like usual syabab will tido on my lovely cutie motorcycle while waiting for the restaurant to open..
atas kedai syabab ni ade hotel bajet ... hari ni lebih 30 of pelancong dr singapore dtg tido kt ats wat syabab ase okeyh somethin will be misrable for today.. yes it u can imagine syabab kene wat air plus ngn bakar ayam,ikan keli n daging bakar non stop for 12p.m which is after dh siap wat opening sampai lah nk ke 6ptg...huhu... sgt2 penat lak hari ni.. smpai sknk xmkn g..xtau nk mkn ke x..huhu
tomorrow lak keje pagi lagi...aiiyooo serius penat...ohh i need to seat back n relax... and supposely my manager ask me to do part time lg mlm nie..perrghh syabab tepakse la give up... siyes i cannot spent another 5hours n get back after midnite then go to work again tomorrow morning...alhamdulillah my manager understand n give me a break...huhhh.. lega suda.. currently tukang masak dh benti n pengganti dtg nex week so there might be a chance that i must back up the kitchen part since i use to be in the kitchen... iayoo syaba xsuka lak part nie harap2lah syabab xkene wat... siyesly wat u can hear me out are all my tiredness of doing part time job at restaurant... today i guess r one of the miserable day, since dat syabab ade bungkus mknn nk bwk lek tp sbb terhegeh2 sgt nk lek xthn duk lame2 kt sane sknk padan muka syabab mknn yg dh bungkus uh tertinggal kt kedai nk patah lek malas lak..maka berpuasa lah syabab hari ni....huhu

p/s:harap sgtlah esok xramai sgt customer dh la staff tgh kurg sknk nie..huhu...


Unknown said...

take care bro...
makan kena jaga....aku xmo ko jadi saingan aku nanti..hehehe

btw, kerja mang la cam2...kalau xpenat bukan keje namanyer.....

chill doe..
doakan ko sihat2...
jgn nak diet sgt la.....

Unknown said...

kesihatan kena jga..jgn kerna kertas kepala raja,kesihatan terganggu..

Pocket said...

pocket penah!!
memang la penat,
terasa cam nak ketuk jer apa apa yang buleh:D

'abang, teh ais lagi satu!'
'ni meja ni tulung clear kan kejap'
'eh ni tak amik order lagi ni!'
'eh bang, teh ais sayer ?'
'bro! sirap limau ni ada bijik la, tukar buleh?'
'eh bang.. teh ais sayer memang tak nak buat yek?'
'dik.. meja ni nak biar kotor gini terus sampai ke petang ker?'

hoooii!! satu satu buleh tak!?

so rileks, tengok dvd jap bro. :D
besok kita keja lagi :D

syabab said...

thx guys...really appreciate it...huh

Jue said...

Seyes aku kagum ngan ko beb. Sebusy2 ko ngan kja, xckup rehatnya, ko msh smpt blogging, bls komen sgala. Seyes, respek. Kalau aku mmg xdpt beb. Ko take care tau. Jg ksihatan, kang sakit

syabab said...

jue>bila bosan jln sjelah jenguk sespe...sbb bz2 pon perlukan mase tuk rehat2kan minda...hehe

Anonymous said...

aku kagum betul time penat pun bole update entry. cam jue kata blogging la singkatannya kan.
take care of ur health. kalau penat sgt cuti je. hihi

Anonymous said...

oh aku suka komen pocket. aku selalu fikir cenggitu kalau kat kedai aku panggil panggil waiter dia wat dono je. sebb tu la rupanya..

macam2 iklan