i guess this kinda of engineer is hard too find.. who really good in any construction blueprint... perrghh really tabik if syabab have meet one.. incase somethin happen to me i might need his help...LOL...
a lot of technique there that can be applied to the prisoner if planning to escape..hehe..
a lot of sacrifice that involve a lot of blood just to give someone the powerto rule...huhu
a lot of deal that doesn't sound right end up Scofield and their pals get cought again n again..huhu
a lot of conspiratorial involve among government around the world...
well there are a lot of things too said.. so u guys should watch it..but if ur afraid too watch alone im kinda advise u guys too watch wif someone u love... yeah there are a lot of love too...
the ending part is the best one... althought there r sadness n tears..huhu.. but everything turn out well althought it doesnt sound like happily ever after... but finally they survive... except one n only...huhu.. u named it.. xmo kasi tau boleh?hehe..
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i jz like the pic bcos the final part it is all about their love..ahakz i give u clue so u can watch it... |
so congratulation to Micheal scofield u jz won a record for breaking more than three prison.. tabik again for the creater n director who make dis series really challenging n curiosity..why syabab sound like giving a speech for won grammy or somethin..hehe.. xtually syabab jz xcited sudah finish marathon series.. after this i might bz get redy for the final.. so kalo xde entri tuu mksdnyer syabab hanya menjalankan activty bw itupon tuk kurgkan stress..hehe
p/s: syabab jz wondering if there are people out there who being use by somebody who have power to treaten others which end up invole a lot of blood...hmmm hopefully my country r not like dat..huhu... nauzubillah...
hoh!? boyfren aku tu Micheal scofield. hahahha..suke gila kat series ni. sgt gila.cuma tak dapt nak kumpulsume series. nnt la kalau dah free baru start donlod.
hanie_dew>kalo nk leh mek kt syabab..syababnyer lengkap....kekeke
huhu x layan
saiazuan>hihih... xminat action movie ato xminat citer2 bersiri?best bro die punya cara2 die break out from prison..smrt n stylo...hehe
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